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"Clinical nutrition is about eating with purpose, not restriction."
Zinc Test
An easy taste test to see if you deficient in zinc. 90% of people are!!! Symptoms include:
1. Weak Immune System
2. Skin problems, white nail lines
3. Hair Loss
4. Impared growth of any kind
6. Gastrointenstinal Issues
7. Eye & Vision Problems
8. Mood & Personailty Changes
9. Infertility

Body Fat Percentage
"Measuring body fat percentage is like using a compass on your health journey, helping you navigate toward better choices and a clearer path to well-being."

Nutritional Muscle Testing
Did you know that tender points on you body show where an organ can be upset? These are Chapman Reflexes and drain lymph from the organs. We call this Functional Reflex Testing. Just know we are testing the breakers in your electrical panel.

Blood Work Wellness Analysis
Bring in your blood test results for a wellness evaluation and 2nd opinion! If you do not have recent bloodwork (within 6 months) we will provide a requisition for blood work for $150 which will include an extended Thyroid Panel, CBC, Metabolic Panel, Urinalysis and complete Lipid panel to be completed at Lab Corp.

Magnesium Testing
Easy Test Strip placed on the tounge in office! 80% of people are defiencient. Symptoms include:
Muscle Weakness, Cramps, Spasms
Trouble Sleeping, Fatigue, Headaches
Stress Responses Heightened
Dry Eyes, Numbeness, & Tingling
High Blood Pressure
Nausea & Vomitting
Mood & Personality Changes
Skipped Heart Beats
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